resonating routes

A large number of people walking towards a particular direction compelled us to follow them. Drifting with them we arrived at a noisy harbour. The harbour was a chaotic stop with fishermen and fisherwomen selling and buying fishes, and some just interacting in small groups. As we walked forward, our gaze moved towards the sound made while anchoring the boats. The boats being anchored, boat motors starting and shutting, fishes being auctioned, birds chirping, waves lashing against the seawall and sandy shore, indicated the location of activities along with the time at which the specific activities took place. Women carried fish in small quantities from the harbour for domestic use intrigued us.
We reached a settlement where fishing activities such as making fishing nets, fish drying, pickle making, and boat repairs were going on. The sounds of the waves were heard inside the settlement as well, showing the proximity to the sea. Courtyards of houses were filled with sounds of distant waves, household chores, television, people chatting, kids playing, birds chirping, vehicles and waves. As we look at the spine connecting the main street to the harbour, we see a clear transition from high vehicular movement to the harbour which has a high transactional capacity with extreme amounts of human and surrounding interaction.