tidal conditions

low tide
9:33 AM
high tide
2:19 PM
low tide
8:31 PM
high tide
3:14 AM
1.46 PM
1.46 PM
5.15 AM
tide chart
tide chart
heat chart
The tides form a rhythmic cycle of their own which influence and shape the activities and lifestyle of different living and non-living creatures along the edge of the site. The life, lifestyle and behaviour of people living on the edge, fishermen, fishes, vegetations, builtform, tides and time are all interdependent on each other in varies ways. This forms a unique everyday calendar for the living beings which gets shaped by the tide, heat and land conditions.
The calendar is divided into four slots of six hours throughout the day as according to the study the tide conditions changes in every six hours.
The major fishing activities are carried out during night time, when the moon is out and high tides are its peak, fishes are found near the coast. The fishermen use this time to do the preparation for fishing, preparing the boats, nets and other equipments. As the high tide starts receding around midnight the boats are deployed to go deeper into the water. When the high tide reverses its flow and starts receding, this time before dawn is considered an ideal time for fishing. Fishing in deep waters is carried out using varies methods like by using Chinese fishing nets, bait fishing, bait casting ,etc.Near the shore many of the small fishes, especially prawns and crabs are deposited, so fisherwomen catch these fishes with their bare hands, in around knee level water.
The low tide starts at dawn, and during this time the fishermen return back which their catch of the day. The built form has the remains of the flooded water and muck deposited inside some house during the high tide. The women clean their houses and the fishermen stack and pack their catch to prepare it for sale at the fish market. After the sale, the fishermen have their meal and go to sleep. Women perform the other household and outside chores.
At afternoon, when the heat from the sun is at its peak, the fishermen dry and cure their fishing nets and mend their boats. At this time there is a high tide, but due to the heat and vapourazation, the moisture content in the air is the highest. At evening, as the high tide starts receding, women start cleaning their house again and the fishermen starts their preparation to go fishing and the cycle repeats.