
The formation of microclimatic conditions is due to the interdependencies of various entities. The primary entity here is the specific microclimate which opens up its dependencies on other entities like soil condition, type of built form, type of vegetation and further on their configuration. These entities are dependent on demography, practices, beliefs, local authorities, income groups, ownership.
The network drawing allows one to realize that the emergence of microclimates is not just because of bare elements coming together in a configuration but rather some get shaped by dispossession and displacement like houses near the beach are rebuilt and rehabilitated through different housing schemes after cyclones, the houses don't have a verandah or any foliage around. The residents live in constant fear of displacement by another cyclone.
Some by lack and tragedy like a household where the only earning member passes away the house is half renovated and half is still an older extension. A new earning asset becomes a network booster setup by JIO that pays rent.
In the garden house loss of livelihood due to cataracts gives inception to a new practice of extensive gardening.
Some by the longing for safety, this is seen in the materiality of every newly constructed house, the usage of concrete blocks and high plinths to protect from water. The construction of the sea wall is also a manifestation of the longing for safety.
Some by institutions and manipulation the whole fishing industry in the backwaters is managed by a society of highly influential people who manipulate processes and gains.
Some by aspirations of a better modern urban life. Growing a household suggests extensions. This translates into flat roofs, decorated facades, porches, car parks and lawns.