The site's vegetation is diverse and carefully cultivated in different ways, as marked on the base map. The vegetation typology can be observed in three distinct areas: the Institution (Church), Residence, and Jetty. The cycles of time differ in each of these spaces.
The Institution of Church is maintained according to the cycle of festivals, with regular cleaning and a well-manicured front yard, while the backyard is allowed to be wilder.
The Institution of School is maintained according to the cycle of Vacations, with a 3-monthly cultivation schedule that depends on the seasons. Residential spaces have a different type of cultivation, with a focus on flowering plants for beauty and frequent watering, while non-residential open spaces see a cycle of fruiting trees, with coconut collection every 45 days. The Jetty, on the other hand, is affected by the tides and ferry movement, with the growth of water hyacinth dependent on the season cycle.
garden cycles


burning leaves
inhabitation of ants
picking fruits
sitting under shade
clearing daily routes
seasonal change in hyacniths
movement of hyacinths
Catalogue of trees