


Different physical and notional edges which were formed made us question on how these edges made relationships with not only humans but other species as well and also how the form of the edges produced adds to it. The different edges formed also had relationships with caste,occupation and community. Like in the christian house the boundary is made through bamboo,tarpaulin,cloth and nets which created a very soft edge within the community made the house spread to the outside of physical boundary and spill over its activities which created notional edges. Form hindu house the incrementality of the house was really important as it shaped the edges like as the family grows the form of the house starts segregating and expanding into multiple built forms with tulsi plant been at the centre forming a courtyard. In the house with ditch how multiple edges were been formed by stone retaining parapit wall, stone plinth , bamboo wall, canal ,ditch, dam like form to allow water flow in the ditch,chinese fishing net. Actvities like fishing,farming and crab habitation are affected by tidal cycles.
One of the local fishermen house edges became a seating space as well as a space to access backwaters.Also activities like drying fishing nets,women washing clothes,fishing practises were affected by different cycles of time and tides. Activities like repair of boats, a gathering space been formed at different cycles of time at port , different form of the edge was constructed to access the chinese fishing nets in the backwaters. The edge of the builtform of resort clearly portrays its stand which was only for scenic view of the backwaters. The unused chinese fishing that at that house shows that there must have been a house with more porous and organic edge. The edge of the jetty afforded for two major activities ,commute during the day for locals to travel across backwaters and restaurant and open eating space during the night. The differences in the edge been inhabited different by humans and non humans,caste,occupation and community made us question the form and materiality of the edges been made through nature and builtform.